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How to pray for SDB countries around the world (2023) Written by Pastor Andrew O. Samuels - News

During the first full week of January since 1967, Seventh Day Baptists around the world have united in prayer by sharing meditations centered on a theme chosen by the author of the SDB Week of Prayer booklet. Below you can read how to pray for SDB countries around the world in 2023.

  1. Angola – one church; pray for the development of more churches and leaders.
  2. Australia – pray for development of more leaders and planting of more churches in areas where there are none
  3. Bangladesh – one church; pray for the success of their children’s ministries, their outreach efforts to primarily Hindu people, and the employment of a Bible worker in the field
  4. Brazil – about 80 churches; pray for continued success of their TIME Program which trains pastors and leaders
  5. Burundi – about 30 churches; pray for resources to improve several of their church buildings, to construct others where no buildings exist, and to secure a facility for their conference center
  6. Cameroon – pray for the strengthening of their witness and a deeper understanding of SDB beliefs and polity
  7. Canary Islands – we have lost touch; pray for reconnection with us
  8. Canada – pray for the planting of more churches both in the Greater Toronto area, and in provinces where there are none
  9. Chile – pray for continued wisdom and guidance to mentor new churches and Pastors in other South American countries
  10. Colombia – two brand new churches; pray for the strengthening of their spiritual foundations, a deeper understanding of SDB beliefs and polity, and expansion to plant more churches
  11. Democratic Republic of Congo – need funds for orphan ministry including the payment of school fees; pray for them to overcome political instability, and a high crime rate
  12. Cuba – pray for the church to be renewed in their relationship with us and for success of outreach to other areas of the island; pray against hostility from government entities
  13. Czech Republic – need more communication from them; boldness to be faithful witnesses for the Lord in the midst of Eastern European secularism and spiritual apathy
  14. Ecuador – pray for help for Sis. Andrea Pozo with the ministry of translating the Helping Hand into Spanish, and for the growth of their three churches
  15. Egypt – pray for resources for their group which consists of refugees from South Sudan and Ethiopia, and for the success of their sustainable project, which is a bakery; pray for favor with the government so they will be able to stay in the country and be given proper status
  16. England – pray for effectiveness for their outreach ministries and their technology initiatives; pray for continued development of their new generation of leaders, and unity among the churches
  17. Ethiopia – success of their farm and animal projects which provide incomes for some families; proper mentoring of new leaders and groups.
  18. Gambia – we have lost touch; pray for reconnection with us
  19. Ghana – pray for the success of their vision of planting at least one church every year, and planting at least one church in each district of the country
  20. Guinea–Conakry – we have lost touch; pray for reconnection with us
  21. Guyana – pray for the development of a new generation of leaders and resources to train them; pray for increased ministry to the interior part of the country
  22. Haiti – pray for spiritual, economic, and political stability in the country so that worship can be without fear; pray against high crime rate
  23. India – pray for them to fulfill their vision of planting two new churches and one orphanage in 2023
  24. Indonesia – one small group exists there; they feel isolated because there are no other SDBs nearby; they need encouragement
  25. Ivory Coast – 3 churches; they need their own church buildings, so they can stop renting; pray for them to develop sustainable projects
  26. Jamaica – about 30 churches; pray for the new church planted in Old Harbour in 2021; pray for renewal through the observance of their Conference’s centennial (100th. year anniversary) in 2023
  27. Kenya – pray for their efforts to plant a new church and set up a conference office in Kisii, the largest city near to where most of their churches are located.
  28. Lebanon – one group being nurtured by Pastor Gabe Bejjani;
  29. Liberia – pray for the SDB witness to be re–established.
  30. Malawi – largest SDB Conference in the world; need theological training for Pastors; pray for the completion of the Wheeler Village construction project
  31. Mozambique – churches need to be organized into a Conference; pray for strong and wise leadership to navigate that process, and for success with the registration of their Conference with the government
  32. Netherlands – 3 churches, mostly older people; revival is needed
  33. New Zealand – pray for collaboration among the churches, and more outreach ministries
  34. Nicaragua – need for funds to complete the building of a ministry center, which is in the middle of construction
  35. Nigeria – need for protection from Muslim extremists and terrorist organizations like Boko Haram; need boldness to stay true to the Lord.
  36. Pakistan – new field for Seventh Day Baptists; pray for effectiveness of ministries in schools and churches in Muslim and Hindu communities using the Bible as a textbook for reading; administration done by SDBs in Australia; pray for an open door to visit.
  37. Philippines – pray for harmony among the three SDB Conferences; pray for the building of a facility to house their Grace SDB Bible College
  38. Poland – pray for strong faith in the midst of great spiritual apathy in Eastern Europe
  39. Rwanda – pray for their Pastors to receive government certification, so that they can also teach in government schools.
  40. Sierra Leone – pray for the completion of the construction of a new SDB school, and for courage to remain true to their convictions in the face of temptations
  41. South Africa – pray for revival among their churches, and a new generation of leaders. 
  42. South Korea – pray for reconnection in communication.
  43. South Sudan – pray for the new groups which have started, and the continued effectiveness of their outreach ministries.
  44. Tanzania – pray for their efforts to start new churches, and their ministry to refugees.
  45. Uganda – pray for their Conference interim leadership team, their ministry to refugees and orphans, and the success of a major Poultry Farm Project
  46. Ukraine – pray for an end to the Russian invasion, and for their churches to reconnect with SDBs
  47. USA – pray for their churches and leaders to be revitalized, new churches to be planted, and for the success of the Seventh Day Baptist University (SDBU)
  48. Zambia – pray for the success of their sustainable projects; pray for harmony among their churches