
“Unity in Christ and a vigorous witness throughout the world” - That was the broad goal stated by the founders of the SDB World Federation in 1964.
Representatives from seven countries responded to the invitation from the United States conference to meet with them in 1964 to discuss missionary effort and cooperation on a global scale. They drafted a constitution to be submitted to the national conferences and groups who might be interested in joining. By the end of the following year (1965) eleven groups had become charter members of the new federation.


Since the beginning the purposes of the international body remain essentially the same:
1. To provide increased communication among Seventh Day Baptist groups around the world. 2. To promote projects for mutual interest which will benefit from international cooperation. 3. To stimulate fellowship among Seventh Day Baptist Christians.


An annual Week of Prayer sponsored by the Federation promotes unity of Christian spirit among all Seventh Day Baptists each January. The published prayer booklet, written by someone from a different country each year, is translated into several languages. The Federation newsletter, Seventh Day Baptist World, highlights Federation activities and news from member groups.


Projects supported by the Federation have included leadership education programs or publishing in specific countries, travel funding for evangelistic missions within or between countries, disaster relief through member groups, and sending of officers or “ambassadors” to encourage the growth of work in new and existing locations. Money for projects comes through voluntary contributions from member conferences and individuals as they respond to a need that is communicated.

Meet the Executive Committee.

The executive committee meets at least once between sessions, communicating regularly through Internet connections or airmail. It is made up of officers including vice presidents from each of the seven regions: Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, North America, South Pacific, and South America. All officers currently work entirely on a voluntary basis with some expenses paid. Contributions support travel and other sessions’ expenses with the goal of having each member group represented at each meeting even though that ideal is seldom achieved.

Pastor of the Brasilia Church, in Brazil

Luciano Barreto Nogueira de Moura


Douglas Machado

General Secretary

Pastor of the Miami Church and Chief Executive Officer of the SDB Missionary Society

Andy Samuels

Assistant General Secretary

Debbie Hargett


Canaan Phiri

Vice President for Africa

Abel Joshua Caeser

Vice President for the Caribbean

Nicholas Kersten

Vice President for North America

Amaury Moitinho

Vice President for South America

Marcia Nembhard

Recording Secretary

Carlene Wynter

Vice-President for Europe

Marian B. Ferraren

Vice-president for Asia